Ah, the holidays! The time
when family gets together, and the adult children return to their childhood
home to provide helpful suggestions to their parents on the status (and
improvement) of the family home. In this instance, one of the Hotflash
offspring was quite concerned about our lack of modern technology, in
particular, our lack of flat screen TVs.
Now, I realize that flat
screen televisions are attractive, lightweight, and high definition. But seeing
as we mostly seem to watch “American Pickers” (Mr. Hotflash’s favorite show),
do I really need to see Mike and Frank’s facial blemishes and stubble as they
roam the backroads of America for rusty crap that they will sell to the suckers
of America? I think not.
And my new favorite show,
“Botched” (admittedly, a guilty pleasure), exhibits the bad plastic surgery of
various idiot patients who got way too much filler in their lips and elsewhere.
But I don’t need to see these imperfections up close and personal, I work in
health care, and see plenty of bodily “variations” up close and personal.
Furthermore, we have
sufficient technology for our television watching pleasure. For example, we
have a 13 inch television in the “master suite” which has a built in VCR! Top
that! And a lovely tube TV in the family room, which weighs about a thousand
pounds and will never be moved again. We could probably put a sign up on the
front door directing the burglars to both televisions, and I think they would
run in disgust.
However, the real reason we
don’t have a flat screen television is The Big Effing Thing. (Yes, this is a
family blog). Lewis Black, a comedian, did a routine a few years ago about how
the best cure to a bad economy is to build a Big Effing Thing. Examples are the
Pyramids and the Hoover Dam. Puts lots of people to work, and if you build it,
they will come. (see photo of my parents in front of a Big Effing Thing in
Our Big Effing Thing,
unfortunately, is our entertainment center. Built in the olden days when folks
needed a place to put that thousand pound tube television set. It didn’t seem
quite that large in the catalog that Tammy, our interior decorator, showed me.
But when it arrived, oh my. It’s big. It’s really big. It's... monolithic.
So, you may think, just sell
it! News flash, kids. Nobody wants an entertainment center. There are 765
entertainment centers listed on our local Craigslist today. So what to do?
We could have a bonfire in
the back yard, with very expensive wood going up in flames. We could somehow
cart it to an area where the homeless gather, under the assumption that a
family of four could probably fit into it. However, I think this is a national
If Obama wants to resurrect
his image from all those awful things he has done, such as providing health
insurance to those awful people who were previously uninsured, he should tackle
this problem. I suggest a national decommissioning authority to take all the
old entertainment centers and dispose of them, in the same way various
countries “decommission” their old nuclear power plants. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_decommissioning
Just like a pesky nuclear
facility which needs to be buried under concrete, the government could pick up
our entertainment centers and do something useful and ecologically correct with
them. Or just burn those mofos. Either way, then I can purchase a lovely flat
screen TV for my family room (or a specific Hotflash offspring can buy it for
Until then, we will continue
to watch bad television on a bad cathode ray tube TV, with the option of
watching old video tapes of our offspring in their younger years at swim meets
and cheerleading competitions. Really, who needs more than 13 inches for that?